PAHCE 2009   
March 16-20,2009
Mexico City, Mexico





Welcome to PAHCE 2009 - Pan American Health Care Exchanges Conference, workshops, and exhibits, an opportunity for cooperation, linkages, and professional enrichment. The PAHCE 2009 meeting takes place in the dynamic and colossal city of Mexico which is not only rich in culture but also a place of many health care institutions, research institutes, universities and industrial activities. The organizing team for PAHCE 2009 wants conference attendees to enjoy workshops, academic activities, and the Technology Exhibition. In addition, we have cultural activities to enjoy traditional food and national monuments.

We hope that domestic and international attendees enjoy their stay during PAHCE 2009, become aware of the modern facilities of the National Rehabilitation Institute. We want to acknowledge the support of Dr. Luis Guillermo Ibarra, Director of the INR to ensure the success of the conference.

Dr. Lorenzo Leija Salas and Dra. Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez
PAHCE 2009 President and Co President/Host

Dr. Ron Leder, PAHCE 2009 Publications and Publicity Chair
Dr. Enrique Chong, PAHCE 2009 Review Board Chair 


PAHCE 2009: ISBN 978-1-4244-3669-9; Library of Congress: 2008911781; IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0918G


Dr. Lorenzo Leija Salas, PAHCE 2009 President
Dra. Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez, PAHCE 2009 Co President/Host
Dr. Ron Leder, PAHCE 2009 Publications and Publicity Chair
Dr. Enrique Chong, PAHCE 2009 Review Board Chair
Dr. Isaac Chairez, PAHCE2009 Program Planning Chair

Technical Program Coordinators: Dr. Arturo Vera, Dr. Christopher Druzgalski, Dr.Enrique Chong, Dr. Ernesto Suaste, Dr. Isaac Chairez, Dra. Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez, Dr. Lorenzo Leija Salas, Dr. Marco Antonio Reyna, Dr. Ron Leder, Dr. Arturo Vega Gonzales.
Judith Esparza, Administrative Support Manager

PAHO Liaison - Antonio Hernandez, Eng., PAHO
WHO Liaison - Andrei Issakov, MD, MPH, PhD; WHO
IFMBE Liaison – Magjarevic Ratko, PhD
IEEE  Liaison – Ron Leder, PhD

In cooperation with: PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), WHO (World Health Organization) // OPS (Organización Panamericana de la Salud), OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud)

Endorsed by
IFMBE (International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering)

Sponsorship: Dr. Bill Tawil, Baxter BioSurgery, Baxter BioScience 

Contributing Industry and Organizations:

PAHCE09EXPO as listed at

Supporting organizations:
(Past and present)

Technically cosponsored by IEEE Mexico Section // Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and IEEE LAC EMB 

PAHCE REVIEW BOARD: Dr. Alejandro Melendez, Dr. Apolo Escudero-Uribe, Dr. Arturo Vera, Dra. Blanca Tovar Corona, Dr. Carlos Silva-Cardenas, Dr. Christopher Druzgalski, Dr. Daniel Santana, Dr. Eduardo Moreno, Dr. Enrique Chong, Dr. Ernesto Suaste, Dr.Gerardo Alejandro Valentino Orozco, M.C. Héctor Arriola, Dr. Isaac Chairez, M. en C. Israel Sánchez Domínguez, Dr. John Collins, Dr. Jorge Acosta, Dra. Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez, Dr. Lorenzo Leija Salas,Dr. Luis Fernando Gonzalez-Perez, Dr. Marco Antonio Reyna. Dr. Mario Rivera-Cruz, M.C. Rocio Callupe, Dr. Rogeli Pablo, Dr. Ron Leder, Dr. Ruben Posada-Gomez, M.C. Sabina Figari. 

Special thanks for the assistance to: Arellano-Martinez Irma, Gayol Mérida Diana Alicia, Hernandez Lorenzo Eloy, Moreno Hernández  Ana, Núñez Gaona  Marco Antonio,  Quiñones Uriostegui  Ivett, Quiroz Flores Claudia Patricia,  Salas Garcia  Jesús,  members of the organizing committee as listed at the PAHCE 2009 conference webpage, and to the logistic support staff.

In cooperation with:
PAHO (Pan American Health Organization)
WHO (World Health Organization)
Endorsed by: IFMBE (International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering)
PAHCE 2009 technically cosponsored by IEEE Mexico Section - Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and IEEE LAC EMB.
PAHCE 2009 organizational support by INR and CINVESTAV. Hosted by INR.